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23. April 2013

Enlarge dynamic and fixed VHD virtual hard drives

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 23:42

If you use Virtual PC or built-in Windows backup for example, you probably use virtual hard drives stored in vhd-files.

I already blogged once about how you can mount such a vhd file easily in Windows.

But there is one big problem with vhd files: When you create them, you often don’t really know how big the file should be. You can use a dynamic vhd to solve this partly (at the cost of performance), but still you need to give a maximum size.

And then the time will come when you realize your vhd needs to be bigger then you specified it. So here is how you can enlarge vhds – no matter whether they are fix sized or dynamic.

Enlarge vhd file using diskpart

You can enlarge the vhd file in diskpart. Start diskpart, e.g. with [Windows-Key]+[R], type “diskpart” and hit [enter]. UAC will prompt you for permission (say “Yes”). So now select your virtual disk using the following command:

select vdisk file="C:\path\to\vdisk.vhd"

Now enlarge the disk using this command:

expand vdisk maximum=10000

In this example, 10000 means that the new total size of the disk is 10 000 MB (adjust the number to your needs).

So now your virtual hard drive grew larger. But the partition inside still has the old size. So you need to enlarge the partition as well.

Enlarge the partition in the virtual disk using Disk management

The easiest way to do this is to use Windows Disk Management, which is part of Computer Management . The fastest way to get there in Windows 7 is to click the Windows icon and enter “Disk Management” and start the appearing “Windows Disc Management” (Windows UAC will again ask you for permission, say “Yes”). Or, also for other Windows version, [Windows]+[R] and type “diskmgmt.msc” and hit enter.

Open the VHD with “Action” / “Attach VHD”. Choose the file, make sure “readonly” is not checked and click “OK”.

Then you will see the VHD just like your normal drives in the graphical overview. There you will see the partition in blue (or dark green, if it is a logical one) and the empty space in light green. Right-click the partition and choose “Extend Volume”. The tool  will propose to use all the empty space so you can just accept that and that’s it. Finally, right click the VHD drive and select “Detach VHD”. Make sure you don’t select the option to delete the VHD file after detaching!

Enlarge the partition in the virtual disk using diskpart

You can also achieve the same thing in diskpart (i.e. on the console, not using the GUI).

Open diskpart, and mount the VHD using:

select vdisk file="C:\path\to\vdisk.vhd"
attach vdisk

Then do

list volume
select volume=<No of volume>
extend size=100

Instead of <No of volume>, you need to enter the number of the volume (see output of “list volume”).

In this example, the partition gets enlarged by 100 MB. Here you need to specify the relative amount of space that gets added.

Finally, detach the vdisk:

detach vdisk

Problems? Just ask!

I hope this helps somebody. If so, please drop a comment. If you have problems, also just drop a comment.


Try my Open Source PHP visitor analytics script CrazyStat.

12. April 2013

Russian localization available for phpLiteAdmin

Filed under: PHP,phpLiteAdmin,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 00:44

phpLiteAdmin, a web GUI for SQLite databases written in PHP, has now been translated into Russian!

Thanks to Boris Kurshev (13dagger) for the translation. It is available for download from the official website.

To install localization packages for phpLiteAdmin, just unzip them in the phpLiteAdmin folder or the “languages” subfolder and adjust $language in the configuration (e.g. to “ru” for Russian).

It is very easy to translate phpLiteAdmin into your language. Everything is explained very well in the wiki. You can also find other localization packages there for German and Russian. If your language is not yet translated, please do so and send us the file in our discussion group.

Russian phpLiteAdmin

Russian phpLiteAdmin


5. April 2013

CrazyStat has been translated into French!

Filed under: CrazyStat,PHP — Tags: , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 19:39
CrazyStat Login Screen in French

CrazyStat Login Screen in French

My OpenSource PHP analytics script CrazyStat has now been translated into French!

Thanks a lot to Yannou90 who translated CrazyStat into French and posted the language file in the forum.

You can currently download the translation file from SVN (click “Download this file”). Just drop the file in “stat/src/lang”. I hope I will finally find the time for the next release where the French file will be included of course.

This makes CrazyStat now available in English, German, French, Russian, Danish, Dutch and Portuguese.  A Croatian translation has been mentioned in the forum, but not made available so far.

Thanks everybody for translating CrazyStat!

Update: Some corrections to the language file have been done. The link above now points to the latest version.

26. March 2013

phpLiteAdmin: Arabic localization available for download

Filed under: PHP,phpLiteAdmin — Tags: , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 18:47
phpliteAdmin with Arabic localization

phpliteAdmin with Arabic localization

phpLiteAdmin can be easily translated into different languages. Version 1.9.4 was released together with English and German localization packages. Now teryaki did an Arabic translation for phpLiteAdmin which is now available for download. Thanks a lot!

This shows phpLiteAdmin has no problems with languages that require real UTF8 support.

To translate phpLiteAdmin into your language, read the wiki page on Localization. It also explains how to install localization packages.


21. March 2013

Linux: ACPI disabled, won’t shut down, /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm vanished

Filed under: Linux — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 00:16

MythTV server won’t shut down automatically any longer

Today my mythTV based media homeserver suddenly would not automatically shutdown any longer after a kernel update.

Logs by mythbackend (/var/log/mythtv/mythbackend ) that triggers the shutdown  looked like this:

localhost mythbackend[1674]: I Scheduler scheduler.cpp:2729 (CheckShutdownServer) CheckShutdownServer returned - OK to shutdown
localhost mythbackend[1674]: N Scheduler scheduler.cpp:2814 (ShutdownServer) Running the command to set the next scheduled wakeup time [...]
localhost mythbackend[1674]: E Scheduler scheduler.cpp:2820 (ShutdownServer) SetWakeuptimeCommand failed, shutdown aborted

Problem: /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm vanished after kernel update

So I ran the SetWakeupTime command myself and go this problem:

/sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm: No such file or directory

And in fact the file was missing.

System won’t power off any longer

I tried to shut down the pc completely (manually) and start it again. But it wouldn’t power off, it just freezed with the shutdown bar on the screen. Pressing the power button once (only short, not holding it) made the PC power off.

So this looked like some big ACPI problem.

ACPI disabled

After some more search, I found this in the syslog (/var/log/syslog):

localhost kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: no DMI BIOS year, acpi=force is required to enable ACPI
localhost kernel: [    0.000000] ACPI: Disabling ACPI support

So no ACPI support explains why wakealarm and shutdown is broken.

I am wondering why this happens suddenly after a kernel update (I have not changed my BIOS or something and ACPI was perfectly working before).

Solution: force ACPI

Forcing ACPI solved the problem.

If you use grub2, this is how to do it:

Open /etc/default/grub (e.g. “sudo nano /etc/default/grub”) and update this line:


Into this:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force"

Save the file and update the grub configuration:

sudo update-grub

Then restart and you’ll be done.

sudo shutdown -r now

I hope this could help somebody.

18. March 2013

phpLiteAdmin 1.9.4 released

Filed under: DBMS,PHP,phpLiteAdmin — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 18:53

I just released phpLiteAdmin 1.9.4. phpLiteAdmin 1.9.4

phpLiteAdmin is for SQLite what phpMyAdmin is for MySQL: A web GUI to manage your databases.

A lot of work has again gone into this release. It fixes bugs and introduces new features. No security issues fixed (compared to

Every user of phpLiteAdmin is recommended to update.

New features of phpLiteAdmin 1.9.4 include:

  • Multi-Language support
  • external configuration possible
  • empty password -> no login required
  • easy backup of db files
  • edit and delete possible from search results
  • search function: added “LIKE %…%”
  • css and Js now served as separate, cacheable and compressed resources to speed up page loading

Important bug fixes include fixes in the ALTER TABLE support. We have again spent quite a lot of work to improve phpLiteAdmin. Thanks to everybody who reported issues and especially to the team for your work on phpLiteAdmin – especially Dreadnaut and Teryaki helped me a lot in this release. Thanks guys.

Download the new version here.

13. March 2013

TortoiseSVN: after stopping merge, workspace is “locked”

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 20:43

TortoiseSVN is a great Windows Application to access (and even create) SVN repositories. It integrates perfectly into Windows Explorer and has very good merge and diff tools. In my opinion it’s simply the best Windows SVN client available. If you don’t use it already, you should give it a try.

Problem: Working Copy locked after Merge failed

When I tried to apply a patch using TortoiseSVN, I noticed I wanted to apply another patch instead and therefore closed the merge program before it was started completely.

After this, I was not able to apply the other patch. TortoiseMerge said the workspace was locked:

TortoiseMerge: Workspace locked

TortoiseMerge: “Workspace copy is already locked”

It was also not possible to update the workspace:

Update: Workspace locked

Update: Working Copy is locked

So I tried to unlock it, which is not possible:

TortoiseSVN: "Nothing locked"

TortoiseSVN: “There is nothing  to unlock”

So this is pretty strange. Here is how to solve it:

Solution: Clean up working copy status

Right-click on the directory and choose “TortoiseSVN”/”Clean Up”.

TortoiseSVN: Clean up

TortoiseSVN: Clean up

Then only choose “Clean up working copy status”:

TortoiseSVN.:Clean up working copy status

TortoiseSVN.:Clean up working copy status

Click “OK” and that’s it. You can now again update or apply patches without any problems.

I hope this helps somebody to solve his problem a little faster.

26. February 2013

Montezuma WordPress Theme: Solve Inline CSS

Filed under: PHP,Wordpress — Tags: , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 18:12

I was recently asked, why CSS changes within admin panel of the Montezuma WordPress Theme were not reflected on the frontend.

I found out that there is an issue with Multisites, but no solution. So I digged into the code to solve the issue. As I think it might be useful for somebody, I post here what I found out.

if you are not interested in technical details, just look for what I highlighted 😉

Montezuma theme uses inline CSS

If you look at the HTML Source of your site, you will find the whole CSS inline along with this text:

Default CSS served INLINE because wp-content/uploads is not writable.
This will change once wp-content/uploads is writable

So the issue seems to be simple: Just correct permissions. Something like this:

chown www-data:www-data wp-content/uploads

Unfortunately, this was not the issue here. So why does Montezuma fail to place the static CSS file in wp-content/uploads?

Invalid file type

It took me a while to figure out what Montezuma does. In save_css_file() in includes/admin.php, it uploads/stores the theme’s css using wp_upload_bits(). The first problem in the theme is that it does not catch the resulting error while doing this. It should at least print it somehow. In this case, this would result in “Invalid filetype” (in your language).

So wp_upload_bits() calls wp_check_filetype(). This will call get_allowed_mime_types() for a list of allowed mime types. And this looks like this:

function get_allowed_mime_types() {
        return apply_filters( 'upload_mimes', wp_get_mime_types() );

So it calls wp_get_mime_types() for a list of mime types. This will again apply a filter on a list of arrays, which in fact contains css. This is good news, because we want to store a css file…

So one of the filters kicks “css” out. And the short story is that it is upload_mimes. The upload_mimes filter uses a list of allowed extensions that can be edited by the user!

To edit it, open in your browser.  The list of allowed filetypes for uploads is quite at the end of the list of settings. Just add “css” here (space-separated).

I think Montezuma should better overwrite the upload_mimes filter with one that allows css.

If you now save your Montezuma settings, it should successfully create a file

But in a Multisite setup, this is not the end of the story.

Montezuma uses CSS per site (in a Multisite setup)

With a multisite setup, it depends in which site-backend you change the Montezuma css. If you login one site, it will create the css for this site. If you log into another site, it will create the css for this site.

So you need to change the css in the backend of every site.

So let’s assume you have a site “de” and a site “en”. Then go to and change the CSS in the Montezuma settings.
This will create a file like:

Then log into the next site and edit the css there as well.
This will create a file like:

Then the css as you edited it should be used in the frontend.

I guess Montezuma should add an option to use a global css for all sites.

Update: Similar problem: Google Webfont is not loaded

The theme allows you to easily use a google webfont. But it does not load?

The problem is almost the same: It fails writing the .js-file. So go into the network-settings and add “js” to the list of allowed extensions, save the Montezuma settings and it should work.


7. February 2013

Icinga / Nagios: Notify a group of contacts about a group of hosts

In Nagios/Icinga, you can easily define which contacts or contact groups get notified for a certain service in the service definition:

define service{
       host_name               linux-server
       service_description     check-disk-sda1
       check_command           check-disk!/dev/sda1
       max_check_attempts      5
       check_interval          5
       retry_interval          3
       check_period            24x7
       notification_interval   30
       notification_period     24x7
       notification_options    w,c,r
       contact_groups          linux-admins

(Source of this example: Icinga documentation)

So only contacts of the contact group “linux-admins” would be informed about problems regarding this service.

You could also use the “contacts” directive to list individual contacts or list multiple contact groups.

But often, the responsibility of admins is not defined through services, but through hosts. Usually, there is a group of admins for linux servers and one for windows servers. Or a group for intranet servers and one for internet servers. As admins usually are annoyed if they get notifications about servers they are not responsible for, it is usually a good idea to only notify those admins that are responsible.

So you can also do this at the host-definition:

define host{
       host_name                       bogus-router
       alias                           Bogus Router #1
       parents                         server-backbone
       check_command                   check-host-alive
       check_interval                  5
       retry_interval                  1
       max_check_attempts              5
       check_period                    24x7
       process_perf_data               0
       retain_nonstatus_information    0
       contact_groups                  router-admins
       notification_interval           30
       notification_period             24x7
       notification_options            d,u,r

(Source of example: icinga documentation)

So only the contact_group “router_admins” would be notified for this host.

But one thing where the “contacts” and “contact_groups” directive is missing, is the hostgroups definition. It is not possible to directly assign a contact group  or list of contacts to a hostgroup or the other way round. So here is how it can be done with another type of definition.

Group your hosts

First, define a group of hosts for each group of admins. So for example, group all intranet servers in one and all internet servers in another group. You probably already did this.

define hostgroup{
        hostgroup_name          intranet-servers
        alias                   Intranet Servers
        members                 intra1, intra2, intra3
define hostgroup{
        hostgroup_name          internet-servers
        alias                   Internet Servers
        members                 inter1, inter2, inter3

See the icinga documentation for details. Note to use the shortnames in “members”.

You can also define things the other way round: When defining a host, say which hostgroup it belongs to:

define host{
        use                     generic-host
        host_name               intra1
        alias                   intra1.local
        hostgroups              intranet-servers

See documentation for details.

Group your contacts

Next, group your contacts. So create a contact-group for each group of admins so we can later assign this contact group to the corresponding group of hosts.


define contactgroup{
        contactgroup_name       intranet-admins
        alias                   Intranet Administrators
        members                 alice, bob
define contactgroup{
        contactgroup_name       internet-admins
        alias                   Internet Administrators
        members                 charley

See documentation. Again, you can also define it the other way round (list the contact groups at the contact-definition).

Assign contact groups to host groups

Now comes the interesting part. To do this, we use a “Hostescalation definition“.


define hostescalation{
       hostgroup_name          intranet-servers
       first_notification      1
       last_notification       0
       notification_interval   60
       contact_groups          intranet-admins
define hostescalation{
       hostgroup_name          internet-servers
       first_notification      1
       last_notification       0
       notification_interval   60
       contact_groups          internet-admins

This will make sure internet-admins get informed about internet-servers and intranet-admins about intranet-servers. “last-notification 0” means that all notifications will get sent to this group of contacts. You can adjust the notification_interval (in minutes) if you want.

The cool thing here is that you can also define that if the problem still occurs after 5 notifications, the other team of admins gets notified:

define hostescalation{
        hostgroup_name          intranet-servers
        first_notification      1
        last_notification       3
        notification_interval   30
        contact_groups          intranet-admins
define hostescalation{
        hostgroup_name          intranet-servers
        first_notification      4
        last_notification       0
        notification_interval   60
        contact_groups          internet-admins, intranet-admins

This would notify “intranet-admins” 3 times (every 30 minutes) about problems with “intranet-servers”. If the problem is still not solved, “internet-admins” will get notified as well. So the internet-admins won’t get bothered with short problems that the intranet-admins can fix, but will still get informed if the problem is not solved for some time.

More information on hostescalation and serviceescalation in the documentation here, here and here.

I hope this helped somebody.

5. February 2013

Oxwall Community Software: How to create your own theme

Filed under: PHP — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 14:45

Oxwall is a great community-software written in PHP. You can easily install it on your own server to build your own community site.

It is open source and you have full control over the data.

Although Oxwall comes with some great themes that can even be easily customized in the backend a bit, one might want to build one’s own theme for Oxwall.

So here is how it’s done:

  1. Probably first build an HTML template of your design (one HTML page with CSS that looks like you plan how your Oxwall should look like). If you do that, make sure to use a list-based main menu and a div/link-based bottom-menu (see below) so you won’t get into trouble later.
  2. Always a good idea to have a backup – although adding a new theme shouldn’t break anything. I’d recommend you to create a copy of your Oxwall installation where you create and test your new theme and when it’s finished, move it to your live installation of Oxwall.
  3. Create a copy of an existing theme. You will find the themes in ow_themes. Choose one you’d like to use as a base for your own theme.
    Copy it. E.g on a linux shell:

    cp -rp ow_themes/spring ow_themes/mytheme

    Of course you could also use FTP or something like that.

  4. Define the meta-data of your theme like name, author and so on. To do so, open ow_themes/mytheme/theme.xml in a text editor and adjust the data. Make sure the <key> is equal to the foldername (“mytheme” in the example).
  5. If you want to, you can replace the theme_preview.jpg with a small thumbnail representing your theme (optional).
  6. Now you can select this theme in the Oxwall backend. Try it.
  7. Note: To be able to adjust the theme, enable DEV_MODE. Otherwise you won’t see any changes. So open ow_includes/config.php in a texteditor. Search for:
        * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode
        define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
        define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);
        define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);

    Change OW_DEV_MODE to true:

        * Make changes in this block if you want to enable DEV mode and DEBUG mode
        define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);
        define('OW_DEV_MODE', true); /* HERE! */
        define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);
  8. Now you can start to adjust your theme. So what does a theme consist of?

Meta-Data: theme.xml

Like said, theme.xml contains the meta data and theme_preview.jpg is a preview image.

CSS: base.css

The main css of a stylesheet is called base.css. You can change/adjust the css there (there are also other places like the backend). I would recommend you to keep the css of your base theme and only adjust and add things to it. Otherwise you’ll have a hard time styling lots of things.

Images: images/*

If you need to include images, this is the best place to put them. If you refer to them from the css, use a path like this:

background-image: url(images/myimage.jpg);

HTML: master_pages/*

The HTML that builds your theme is stored in master_pages.

Note: Lots of themes do not contain all master_pages. If one is missing, the master_pages of the graphite theme are used. Therefore, I’d recommend you to first copy missing master_pages from the graphite theme to your theme so you get a full set of master_pages.

The following master_pages can be there:

  • admin.html (only for the admin backend – no need to adjust this)
  • blank.html (usually no need to change this as well)
  • dndindex.html (body for  pages without sidebar – you’ll want to adjust this!)
  • general.html (body for pages with sidebar – you’ll want to adjust this!)
  • html_document.html (html-head of all pages, you might want to add css or javascript here)


The following are the most important markers that you can put into your html master_pages:




{component class=’BASE_CMP_Console’}

This is the console containing “Login”, “Register” and so on (usually at the top right corner).


A list-based menu.
Hint: Listamatic has lots of great list-based menu examples.



The sidebar.
Note: only in general.html

{add_content key=’base.add_page_top_content’}
{add_content key=’base.add_page_bottom_content’}

These 3 build up the main content.
Note: You’ll only need {$content} in dndindex.html


The bottom menu.
Note: Not list-style, but a div with links.

{text key=’base+copyright’}


{decorator name=’floatbox’}

This should be at the end of your html file – oxwall puts some JavaScript and stuff like that there (for chat etc.).

All the others should be self-explaining.

So how you could do it:

  1. Upload your images to “images” and your js (of any) to the theme-folder
  2. Add your css at the end of base.css
  3. Add your references to additional css / js to html_document.html (no need to add a reference to base.css!)
  4. Put the content of your body into general.html and dndindex.html
  5. Replace your static content in there with markers.

Don’t forget DEV_MODE

When you are done, don’t forget to set DEV_MODE back to false. Otherwise your site will load slowly.

If this was of help for you or you still have a question, please let me know.

You can also contact me if you need someone to do an Oxwall theme for you.

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