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13. January 2020

TeXworks: Editor Window opens without Titlebar, no way to minimize

Filed under: Linux — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 11:33

I was using TeXworks 0.6.2 to edit LaTeX files under Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (using Gnome with X11). Suddenly, a file that I had edited before would always open in a strange way. The preview window with the PDF would open normally. But the editor opened maximized without a titlebar, window border etc. So there was no way to minimize the editor window.

I tried to minimize the window using keyboard commands and the Window-Menu of the TeXworks editor. I managed to move the window to a different screen using keyboard commands, but still maximized without a titlebar. The window menu also did not work. Restarting TeXworks also did not help. Other files would open normally.

What finally helped: File / Remove Aux Files…
Afterwards, restart TeXworks.

I did not know that TexWorks stores window status information in aux-files. But it seems it does, as deleting these files solved the problem.

If this tip saved your day, please drop a comment. This motivates me to keep writing these kind of posts.


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4. December 2019

VLC for Android stuck after sleep timer expired

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 20:46
Enable the “Stop on application swipe” option in VLC so you can still close it when it is stuck.

The problem

VLC for android is a good media player for Android. It comes with a sleep timer, which is useful if you are listening to audio books before sleep. However, for me, it always gets stuck after the sleep timer expired. This means the players notification still looks like it was playing. But neither the notification can be swiped away nor the application. So there is no easy way to close the app. Play buttons do not work and I cannot start another audio file. So the app is completely stuck.

The workaround

There is an option in the VLC settings that makes the situation a lot better:

Settings / Audio / Stop on application swipe

Check this option and when VLC is stuck, you can at least close the app by swiping it away.

Saved your day?

If this tip saved your day, please drop a comment below to keep me writing these kind of blog posts.

25. July 2016

Roundcube: Multiple identities (mail_domains) automatically created by default when user is created

The problem

Roundcube is a popular webmailer written in PHP. Today I configured it on a host where each user has multiple identities, one for each domain: E.g., user bob has the three identities:, and

The same for all other users.

When the user logs in for the first time in roundcube, all three identities should be automatically created. There is a config variable mail_domain, which can be used like this:

$config['mail_domain'] = '';

This will make sure that when user bob logs in, the created identity will be . You can give an array here, but only one domain per IMAP host. So using mail_domain, it seems that you currently cannot define multiple domains that will create different identities.

The solution

The solution that I found uses the plugin virtuser_query. This plugin lets you query mail identities from an SQL database. But within the SQL query, you can also statically configure all the domains like this:

$config['virtuser_query'] = array('email' => 
'user' => '', 'host' => '', 'alias' => '');

The plugin replaces %u with the username, e.g. bob. So this query will always return three rows, one for each domain. It is not really querying the database, it is just a workaround to configure multiple default domains in roundcube, as mail_domain currently does not allow us to do this.

For the plugin to work, you need to enable it like this:

$config['plugins'] = array(...,'virtuser_query'); 
// note: there is an underscore after virtuser

In my case the virtuser_query plugin was already included in Roundcube as I have installed the Debian package roundcube-plugins . If it is not already part of your roundcube installation, you can get in here.

I hope this helps somebody to solve this issue faster 🙂
Please leave a comment if it helped you, if you have problems with this, or if you found another way.

24. June 2014

Inkscape: Problem importing PDF

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 18:39

I just had problems importing a PDF into Inkscape. The PDF was an image of a graph generated by igraph for R. When importing, the circles of the vertices got replaced by the letter “q”.

I found the following workaround: I printed the PDF into a new PDF using FreePDF. The resulting PDF could then be imported into Inkscape without problems.

My original problem was that I wanted to include the graphs from igraph for R in Powerpoint as a vector graphic. As Powerpoint cannot include PDFs as graphics, I wanted to save the graphs as emf-Files. But the emf-Files exported by igraph for R look completely messed up when imported in Powerpoint. The PDFs exported by igraph for R are fine, so I wanted to import them into Inkscape and save them as emf. A bit of a long way, but it works and it does not result in an ugly pixel graphic.

Maybe somebody has similar problems and finds this useful.

16. May 2014

Inkscape: Dialog windows do not open on multi-screen setups

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 17:06

I am using a multiscreen setup with one small landscape screen and one big portrait screen.

When I try to open a dialog like the Inkscape settings or the document settings in Inkscape, it does not open. Or more precisely, I cannot see it because it is positioned outside the visible area. I have this problem with current Inkscape 0.48.4 on Windows 7 Professional 64bit.

The bug is known for some time but unfortunately not fixed.

But I found a great and easy workaround which I want to share with you here: Whenever you cannot see a window because it is offscreen, press [Windows-Key] [arrow-up-key]. This shortcut maximizes the current window and you can use it normally. This probably only works on Windows 7 and newer.

You can also use the left or right arrow-key to position the window on the left or right half of the screen.

Happy drawing! 🙂