

 - - - By CrazyStat - - -

6. March 2015

TortoiseGit: Windows for pull, push etc. take 5 minutes to appear, commit does not work

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 21:14

My TortoiseGit showed a strange behaviour: When I tried to push or pull, the window took exactly 5 minutes to appear. The commit window did not appear any more. Reinstalling TortoiseGit did not fix the issue. I used the git Bash as a workaround for some time until I found a fix: TortoiseGit was not able to write into its temp directory because the security settings (NTFS rights) were somehow messed up. For the C:\Users\MyUser\AppData\Local\Temp\TortoiseGit, I added my user with full access rights and everything is now working again :).

Hope this helps someone to fix this faster in case someone has the same issue.


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5. May 2012

TortoiseSVN painfully slow (Log)

Filed under: Windows — Tags: , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 21:14

I had a problem with TortoiseSVN: Sometimes it behaved painfully slow. Especially when I wanted to view the log of CrazyStat’s svn repository, it took about 10 minutes (!) to show it. First I thought the problem was caused by the Sourceforge servers, but then I realized that other svn clients did not have the same problem. I tried several things and the solution finally was quite simple and even listed the the TortoiseSVN FAQ:

Browsing very slow in explorer and file/open dialog.

If you have mapped network drives which are not resolved, either because the drive is inaccessible, or you have not logged in, file browsing may become unresponsive while Windows tries unsuccessfully to access the drive. Either unmap the drive or ensure that it can be accessed


I first did not think that this was my problem as I did not experience slow browsing in explorer or file/open dialog. But after I unmapped all unresolved network drives, it worked great again.

By the way, I’d recommend TortoiseSVN to anybody who is searching for a windows svn client. I have not seen any other client that powerful yet simple.

I hope this might be helpful for somebody who has the same problem.