

 - - - By CrazyStat - - -

12. April 2013

Russian localization available for phpLiteAdmin

Filed under: PHP,phpLiteAdmin,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 00:44

phpLiteAdmin, a web GUI for SQLite databases written in PHP, has now been translated into Russian!

Thanks to Boris Kurshev (13dagger) for the translation. It is available for download from the official website.

To install localization packages for phpLiteAdmin, just unzip them in the phpLiteAdmin folder or the “languages” subfolder and adjust $language in the configuration (e.g. to “ru” for Russian).

It is very easy to translate phpLiteAdmin into your language. Everything is explained very well in the wiki. You can also find other localization packages there for German and Russian. If your language is not yet translated, please do so and send us the file in our discussion group.

Russian phpLiteAdmin

Russian phpLiteAdmin



Try my Open Source PHP visitor analytics script CrazyStat.

19. February 2012

CrazyStat 1.71 will be available in Russian

Filed under: CrazyStat — Tags: , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 22:49

Good news: The upcoming CrazyStat version 1.71 will come with a Russian language file.

Thanks a lot to Vladimir for the translation!

He did not only translate CrazyStat (and gave a lot of other feedback – thanks for that as well) but also offered to support Russian users via email. I will offer a mailform at the time CrazyStat 1.71 is released for that. Vladimir also proposed that I should open a forum to improve support and discussion around CrazyStat. I think this is a brilliant idea and I will definitely realize this along with the other ideas to make CrazyStat more open.

Russian is the first language that really benefits from UTF-8 and the Russian language file showed some minor problems in CrazyStat with UTF-8 that will also be fixed in 1.71. Other languages like Chinese will hopefully benefit from this as well one day.

CrazyStat 1.71 is into testing now and will hopefully be released soon. I already blogged that it will also be available in Danish and the other changes.

Translations of CrazyStat are always very welcome. If you speak some language that CrazyStat does not speak already, I would be very happy if you could translate CrazyStat. It is really not much work and I will help you if you have any problems. Languages like Chinese, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Hindi, Arabic and French are still missing, just to name a few. If you speak any of these languages or some other language, please contact me and help to spread CrazyStat.