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19. March 2015

Owncloud: Share-Button for calendar is missing

Filed under: Server Administration — Tags: , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 16:04

Searching the share-Button for the calendar in your owncloud webinterface?

I was searching it and finally found out that adblock was removing it! “Fanboy’s Social Blocking List” includes a rule “###.icon-share”, which also removes Ownclouds-Share button.

So best, just disable Adblock for your owncloud server.

Nextcloud: Share button for files is missing

Update 2019-08-08: It seems Nextcloud has a similar issue. Here, the share-buttons for sharing files is missing. So again, the best solution is to disable any adblocker for nextcloud.


Try my Open Source PHP visitor analytics script CrazyStat.

6. March 2015

Owncloud: Upgrading to owncloud 8 fails (Integrity constraint violation in oc_filecache)

Filed under: Linux,PHP,Server Administration — Tags: , — Christopher Kramer @ 21:33

First, the upgrade to owncloud 8 in the web GUI failed. Then, I performed the upgrade in the console like this:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/owncloud/occ upgrade

This gave an error like this (I don’t remember exactly):

An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO "oc_filecache" ... Integrity constraint violation: key s_storage_path_hash is not unique
Upgrade failed

This owncloud is using a MySQL DB.

So what in the end solved the problem: First put Owncloud in maintainance mode:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/owncloud/occ maintenance:mode --on

Then make sure no occ processes of old upgrade attempts are running. If there are, kill them. Then clear the oc_filecache using this MySQL command:

TRUNCATE oc_filecache;

Don’t worry, it will populate itself again during the upgrade. Then restart the upgrade:

sudo -u www-data php /var/www/owncloud/occ upgrade

This might take a lot of time! Better run this on a screen (see screen tutorial if you don’t know how) so it does not stop when your SSH connection breaks.