

 - - - By CrazyStat - - -

21. August 2020

Linux: Turn jpeg images lossless out of Nautilus

Filed under: Linux — Tags: , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 22:13

Your camera does not always turn your images the correct way? You search for an easy way to turn multiple images in linux?

That’s the problem I just came across. And this is my solution:

In Nautilus, the default file manager in Ubuntu Linux and a lot of other linux distributions, you can easily run scripts out of the context menu. All you have to do, is place your script in the following directory:


Nautilus will pass the selected files as parameter. So all we need to do, is write a script that turns our image. I was searching for something that can turn .jpeg-images in a lossless way. This means, turning the image won’t reduce the image quality. A good tool for this job is jpegtran, which can be installed like this in Ubuntu:

sudo apt install libjpeg-progs

Now create the file ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/jpeg turn 90 with the following content:

for FILE in "$@"; do
        jpegtran -rot 90 -outfile "$FILE" "$FILE"

Now you can right-click jpeg files and turn them easily in Nautilus:

You can even select multiple images in Nautilus and turn all of them at once.

Now create jpeg turn 180 and jpeg turn 270 scripts with 180 and 270 after -rot instead of 90 in the script. This way, you can easily turn images by 180 or 270 degrees as well.

If this made your day, please drop a comment.


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19. April 2016

Linux: Find the MAC address of your wireless adapter like wlan0

Filed under: Linux — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , — Christopher Kramer @ 14:57

You tried ifconfig and iwconfig, but they all don’t show you the MAC address of your wireless adapter under Linux? For me, on Arch Linux and Ubuntu. This is what gives you what you want and its so beautifully short and simple:

ip addr

The MAC address comes after “link/ether”. This works for wired ethernet adapters (eth0 etc.), wireless adapters (wlan0 etc.) and any other ethernet deviceĀ  (e.g. IEEE 802.11s mesh point devices).

If you are on Windows, read my old blog post about getting the MAC address on Windows.

Hope this helps somebody to find it a little faster.