As I wrote in March, I implemented CSV import and fixed export issues of phpLiteAdmin. This fixed phpLiteAdmin bug #71. I also wrote a small fix for bug #75. Today, new version 1.9.2 of phpLiteAdmin was released including both fixes. You can download it here.
I’d like to thank the phpLiteAdmin team for including my work and allowing me to join the team. I plan to address more issues of phpLiteAdmin in the future to push phpLiteAdmin a little further. There is still some more work to be done which I will have a look at once I find the time.
I recommend the new version to anybody using phpLiteAdmin (and also everybody who doesn’t yet ;-)). Please use the bugtracker in case you find any issues.
I hope some of you find the new features useful or are happy to see those bugs fixed.
Thanks again to the phpLiteAdmin team for the great tool and the opportunity to contribute to the project. Fortunately, I do not have to create a fork to improve the tool.